Tuesday 31 January 2012


well, thought id best update..
went skating for the first time..went on my arse once but otherwise was ok. had to endure old russian childrens music in the process tho.
have already partaken of the cherished custom of visiting a friends house for tea and cake..the first of many no doubt.
went to a gig on saturday in an old cinema. it was a multi band night with bands from as far away as st petersburg..all fairly heavy.lots of covers. my favourite being personal jesus by depeche mode - with a rather unusual version of english..good night tho..first real taste of beer.

also had a night at my friends parents for blini and borscht. with plenty of political debate.
coldest day yet today - so quite unlogically , decided to cross the frozen river..was slightly parky. stunning colours and clarity tho..
today at work i made a ten year old girl cry..i gave her a lower mark than usual for her reading and she was absolutely gutted and cried..i felt awful! - i still do!

anyway heres some random pics
everyone needs a stuffed chicken in your cafe
the main church..will get more pics soon
the view from my works window
road through the park
wouldnt want one of these babies dropping on me..
another sunrise
after the frozen river trek - a nice warm cuppa of  green tea in cafe chocolat - perhaps my new cafe 5?

oh and while i remember - ive been having regular lunches withmy friend in a nearby canteen. really nice food. average price for a meal, couple of slices of bread and a tea - £1.50


  1. nice tea pot!!

    Cant believe how much the temperatures vary from one day to the next... guess thats down to the clear blue skies? Good for stars at night then too or is it -80 at night?

    And i'm sorry but I'm still struggling with the idea of you doing your Dancing on Ice routine...

  2. its pretty much same temprature day and night..haha i would hardly call it dancing..:)

  3. Lovely photo's, like you say clarity but its not harsh it has a softness to it. Like the chicken perhaps take up taxidermy..think it would take off in SB
