Sunday 5 February 2012

bobsleigh of a kind..

well its still hovering around -30 and today we decided to go to 'the alps' - a place about 20 miles away that is hilly and actually looks very austrian..the drive there was interesting, as we often hit 80 miles an hour on a severely ice covered road. went thru a heavily industrialised zone where mondi paper mill resides. the smoke and emissions are an unbelievable sight. a sunny day suddenly turns grey as a mile wide blanket of fumes block out the sky and drift northwards for god knows how long. thankfully the alps were basking in sunshine. hardly anyone there because it was deemed too cold apparently.
the bobsleigh turned out to be being thrown down a hillside on a tyre innertube. it was quite fast - but a good laugh.

on a tangent - found some sausages at the top of my stairs. still trying to figure out the significance. should i be scared, pleased, angry, concerned, amused, thankful..? only time will tell

oh, played badminton the other day..the sports centre is better than anything we of our group managed to break a collarbone - so i spent a good few hours in a hospital. not a pleasant experience if you like your hospitals clean and running under normal ' we can give u anasthetic if u wait 5 hours - otherwise u will be sick. or you can pay 50 dollars and not be sick and have it done now...
there was also a procession of incoming patients who had slipped on the ice and broken something or other.. plus drunks who do it on purpose in order to spend some time in a warm hospital.
a pleasant street scene
a half hour walk home will result in a jack frost snog
outdoor ice rink at the alps
i will kill the person with the p.a.


  1. i dunno what i expected -30 to look like... but something along the lines of polar explorers, not really like people on a sunday afternoon walk on Norland Moor!
    Is very beautiful though j

  2. loving the update jjj, sausages probably not a bad only worry would be what meat they have mushed to put in them, or maybe whose....Hels x

  3. sausages means radio bug... i guess :-)
