Monday 23 January 2012

before 8.30!

yes, getting stunning sunrises and sunsets at moment. this is the view from my balcony..
and the same view at midday.
this is my street again (soviet street). they dont use grit here. they have studded tyres..pedestrians take their chances.
this is my flat, right at the top! i resist the temptation to go on the swings.
went for a walk in the park which is just behind my flat - heading for the river..
this is the river, all frozeny. saw someone walk across. will try this when i get the courage up..
ice sculptures in the main square
and more of them. good to see no evidence of vandalism
my place of work
a snow leopard? more nice ice art
maybe we need this stuff in sowerby bridge?..ah but first we need a council that gives a shit
like this best but it looks like the penguin has been on the vodka. if hes still under the weather tomorrow, i will set him on his feet..

had my first full day at work. tiring but very enjoyable. the tutors are great and so are the kids.i find myself smiling way to often. its good old fashioned teaching but it works. and i like being called mr offen. get used to it. oh and for your amusement here is my first attempt at skiing (this is uphill by the way)


  1. Uphill skiing nice! Had to read it twice though just to make sure it didn't say uphill gardening!

  2. 'faster...faster...!!'


    She doesnt know you very well yet then :-)

  3. loving the ice statues by the way..

  4. What's all this 'smiling' about? I've never it from you before... perhaps Russia is your calling, Mr Offen?

    1. Oh go on, give those swings a go! Surely the new improved smiley Mr Offen would approve of such shenanigans.

  5. yes, i tink i will try to avoid looking like a nut job kev. and save my energy for bobsleighing,,
