Monday 6 September 2010

day 6 slums

bread with caviar
 some of the typical flats at the lower end of scale

also common - delapadated wooden houses
a bit of weirdness

and then...
inside one of the wooden houses - someones kitchen..
shortly after, i was drafted...


  1. Beautiful. Glad to see you're making the most of your time. Why'd you go to Russia to record the album?

  2. Hahaha that kitchen looks just like yours!

  3. er -thats where the band is..ill send you a copy psychojust

    and bec, i think youll find my kitchen has a lino..

  4. blimey... bread and caviar in a slum with a camel and the army. in one day. Beats drunk men in clogs dragging a cart around the scarecrows any day. Hope you're having fun x
